
I want to teach you everything I know, and I want to give you everything I’ve made.

That’s the gist of what you get when you’re one-sixth of The Sixes.

Let’s face it: Growth is hard, uncomfortable, and occasionally the worst. It’s hard to do everything alone. It’s hard not to know what to do next, how to do it, or where to begin. It’s hard not to have people who can help you, and even when you do, it’s hard to ask for help. It’s hard feeling isolated, like it’s you against the world.

We can all agree on this, yes?


But check this out…

Imagine not doing everything alone anymore. Imagine having a safe place to vent, vibe, brainstorm, and talk through your challenges. Imagine having help. Imagine a community, commitment, camaraderie, and ease. Imagine safety and support. Imagine honesty, expansion, and what would happen if you really went all-in on your dreams for the next six months. Imagine how good that would feel!

Imagine being part of a group of six badass humans who are in your corner and have your back, people like you who dream big, are committed to seeing what’s possible, and want to make an impact in the world.

The Sixes is equal parts exciting and terrifying. It’s expansion and aliveness, the place where magic is born, and serendipity pervades and marinates. It’s about spending six months together working through every aspect of your business and personal life as we take a deep dive into who you are, what you’re doing, and the results you’re getting.


I’m a compassion-cultivating, day-making change agent, and I’m going to be honest: I get shit done. For example, I did a Bachelor’s degree, I got a Master’s degree, I finished my Ph.D., and I studied at five different universities. I published a book, and I gave a TEDx talk. I started a podcast and have recorded over 100 episodes with Grammy winners and NYT-bestsellers. I walked across an entire country. I’ve created multiple online courses, and I’ve run retreats on four continents. I’ve spoken on stage to hundreds of people. I’ve befriended my heroes and am in a healthy, thriving relationship with a ninja queen.

I’ve also overcome adversity. I’ve been cheated on. My mom nearly died of alcoholism. I quit a career and started a new one. I am familiar with anxiety, loneliness, and despair. I know the firm foundation rock bottom provides. I’ve been battered, beat down, and broke. Intoxicants and I had a tumultuous relationship.

But I chose to take responsibility for my life, and when I began to invest in myself, everything started to shift for me.

Four years ago, I signed up for a coaching program that cost so much that it required me to max out my credit card. Seriously, I had 42 cents left on it. (I am absolutely NOT suggesting you do this. I am just sharing my story.) I knew this was the right path for me. I knew in my bones that it was the next step. My heart was racing, but I signed up. I also vowed to pay off the credit card by the end of the year. And I did.

Last year, I paid $1,000 for a one-hour conversation with an expert. It’s a lot of money, but I asked myself a powerful question: Will the information they share with me on this call earn me $1,000 over the course of my lifetime?

I bought the call.

One of my intentions with The Sixes is that you earn your investment back in the next six months.

This means that at the end of the program, it will have cost you nothing.

I don’t know if this will happen, and I’m not making any promises, but that’s a goal I have. I want you to get back what you put in by the time you finish. Doesn’t that sound exciting?!


If you are in the health and wellness space, working as a creative, coach, yogi, designer, or online entrepreneur, this is for you. This is a container for you to build and fine-tune heart-centered habits that will uplevel your life, including your personal and professional relationships, health, mindset, and more.

I picture The Sixes like this: Imagine a graphic designer, a life coach, a nutritionist, a marketing expert, a yogi, and a writer gathering together once a week to chat about everything they face and feel and fear. Can you see the creative alchemy possible in a container like that?

Or maybe you’re a business owner and a personal trainer. Maybe you just left a career and are entirely reinventing yourself. Maybe you’re terrified because you’re not certain of what you want to do. Maybe the thought of success feels overwhelming or unbelievable or unobtainable.

Imagine hanging out with six people who have been there and are going through it too. Imagine not having to learn the hard way about how to navigate this transition. Imagine belonging to a group that wants you to succeed. Imagine a loving family.


The Sixes program is intentionally choreographed to flow. There is structure, a system in place, and a method to the madness whereby one month leads into the next. I got you. I promise.

For six months, I will lead a weekly 60- to 90-minute Zoom call of The Sixes for you to plot, scheme, dare, and dream big. These calls will help you clarify your week ahead, including the specific tasks to get done and report back to the group in future conversations, e.g., “By our call next week, I commit to having my new website online.”

Practically, The Sixes is about planning the work and then working the plan. At a deeper level, it’s about this question: Who do you need to become so that your dream life is just a totally normal thing you experience? Our weekly calls will help keep you on track by supporting your new habits, rituals, beliefs, and to-do lists as you continue to grow, unfold, and expand.

I’m also going to have a 1-on-1 coaching conversation with you each month ($1,999 value) to talk through your specific dreams, obstacles, and plan. You’ll get personal attention in addition to the accountability and support the group calls provide.

Finally, I’m going to gift you everything I’ve ever made, work through it with you, and share everything I did, learned, and tried in the process of creating it, including:

  • my Get Shit Done 101 program, a 10-module self-study online course covering badass tips and tricks scientifically shown to help you start the right rituals, stick to your goals, and radically change your life ($97 value);

  • the Do Hard Shit program I made with Traver Boehm, including six online modules with more than 60 minutes of video content, plus targeted exercises designed to help you gain new perspectives on life and yourself, plus two bonus videos about how to have hard conversations and set healthy boundaries ($127 value);

  • the Sort Your Shit Out program (formally known as The Switchback Experience), including eight online modules that get you where you want to go, become who you want to be, identify what you really want to do, understand why you’re getting in your own way, and clarify the powerful next steps ($127 value);

  • free membership in my Cultivating Radical Self-Confidence course that will be out in 2021 ($127 value);

  • a copy of my book, It’ll Be Okay, and You Will Be Too, a book of inspirational words and encouraging insights meant to be read, shared, and (quite literally) torn apart and left behind ($25 value);

  • a motivational poster from my print shop to keep you encouraged and inspired over the coming months ($50 value);

  • a free invitation to join my monthly membership program, Team Never Giver Upper, for six months which includes monthly calls, workshops, and expert chats ($120 value);

  • There will likely be some special surprise guests, too (because I have many incredible friends who are geniuses, and I can trick them into joining us).

The Sixes will be my priority for the next six months. I’m moving into your pocket or purse with the Telegram app and will be very available for questions and support via voice notes and text messages. I’ll also share the best podcast episodes, articles, and books from the best people to guide you along your path. Whatever you need, however I can help, you got it.

I’ve changed my life entirely, and if you’re ready, I want to help you change yours, too.

REMEMBER: There are ONLY SIX SPOTS AVAILABLE to work closely with me and five others. Please only apply if you are serious and committed to the possibility of moving forward. If this big opportunity excites you and terrifies you, don’t waste time waiting, avoiding, and procrastinating.

Please fill out the form, click the submit button, and I’ll be in touch to book a call for us to talk about what’s possible together.

I will also answer all your questions. Sounds good, right?!