Are you an expert in procrastination and distraction? Are you making peaceful progress on your dreams? Sick and tired of being your own worst enemy?
Get Shit Done 101 is a 10-day self-study online course covering badass tips and tricks scientifically shown to help you start the right rituals, stick to your goals, and radically change your life. When you finish this course, you’ll know what you really want to do, you’ll recognize why you’re getting in your way, and you’ll understand how you can start to make more progress with more fun moving forward. Plus, there’s a money-back guarantee!
The Whole Enchilada: How To Use Your Voice, Speak Your Truth, And Put Your Heart Thoughts Out Into The World
This is for you if:
- you want to share your work, ideas, or opinions online, but you feel overwhelmed, don’t know where to begin, what to say, or how to start;
- you’re scared of what people will say/think, and you’re tired of procrastinating and making excuses;
- you want to unlock another level of bravery, confidence, or creativity;
-you need a shove forward, a pep talk, or to borrow Jeremy’s belief in you.
NOTE: This is a recording of an online Zoom workshop Jeremy taught in 2023, focusing on content creation, community-building, social media, cultivating authentic expression, and building a brand that makes the world a better place. It includes an hour of Jeremy teaching the 10 key lenses through which he views all this stuff, plus an additional 90 minutes of an extensive Q and A session.
We all know that the best things in life come from doing hard shit, but we still don’t want to do the hard shit. Because hard shit is hard.
But do you know what else is hard? NOT doing hard shit. It’s just a different kind of hard.
Yes, burpees are terrible things, and exercise is hard. But so is hating your body when you look in the mirror—that’s really hard. Yes, eating healthy food is hard. But so are obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. Those are really hard to live with, too. Yes, it’s hard to have vulnerable conversations with your partner. But it is also tough to hate your sex life, feel trapped in a marriage, and spend your days wishing things were different.
It’s hard not believing in yourself or your abilities. It’s hard to have a job you hate because you’re scared to admit, accept, and take action on your dreams. Procrastination is hard. Avoidance is hard. Lying to yourself is hard.
Are you tired of dealing with the same hard shit again and again? Is it time for you to start trying a different kind of hard, a better kind of hard?
The Do Hard Shit Program includes six online modules with more than 60 minutes of video content, plus targeted exercises designed to help you gain new perspectives on life and yourself. You also get immediate access to two free bonus videos, including more than 30 minutes of Traver and Jeremy teaching you how to have hard conversations and set healthy boundaries in your life. You’re either living your dream daily, or you’re daydreaming — your choice.
Click here to learn more and sign up for THE DO HARD SHIT PROGRAM, a self-study online course Jeremy made with Traver Boehm, Founder of Man Uncivilized.
Are you confused? Are you overwhelmed by options? Would you like a helping hand through the madness and the mess?
After you’ve dove in and had a few realizations about yourself and your life it’s time to make sense of those things. It’s time to put the pieces back together so to speak. An enhanced understanding of who you are and why you do the things you do will help you to create a new path forward.
This can be difficult without a framework for unpacking and understanding the foundation of your feelings and beliefs. Raising your awareness and acceptance of the challenges you face and the opportunities they bring is the next level.
SORT SHIT OUT, a new guided self-study program is coming soon…
Are you bored with your life are you fed up with the monotony of the day-to-day? Are you desperate for a change? Something different? Anything?
Maybe you’re bored or need a change but you haven’t been able to commit to anything. Maybe you need some new ideas. Maybe you’ve tried other things but it didn’t quite do the trick. Maybe you need to get out of the bubble and into something new and exciting.
I got you. Over 10 days, we are going to make some moves, confront discomfort, and discover some exciting new ideas via new activities
SHAKE SHIT UP, a 10-day online adventure is coming soon…