30 Days of Wholehearted Integrity
with Kendra and Jeremy
NOTE: This program includes a unique pricing setup to incentivize action and commitment! During the first week, you’ll commit to a plan of action for the month. If you stick to the plan, follow through, and report back that you did what you said you’d do after 30 days, we’ll refund you $200.
Let’s go!
If you're done ignoring the heart whispers, have been putting something off, or procrastinating and avoiding what deep down you know needs to be done, this is for you. It's a loving nudge, a call forward, a supportive hand on the back, a fiercely gentle encouragement saying, "Enough. Come on. It's time, and you know it."
Whether it’s work stuff, relationship shifts, health goals, it's for those who are committed to actually showing up and doing the damn thing already. And we're going to do it together. Join us for a month of accountability, support, and motivation.
We’ll have five live 75-minute Zoom calls and a group text chat for check-ins, accountability, and connection, plus a daily journaling prompt to expand your thinking.
Call 1, May 1st, 5 pm PST: Clarity acquisition and dream excavation via an inner audit with brutal self-honesty.
Call 2, May 6, 5 pm PST: Live coaching and Q + A
Call 3, May 13, 5 pm PST: Embodiment call led by Kendra
Call 4, May 20, 5 pm PST: Live coaching and Q + A
Call 5, May 27, 5 pm PST: Q + A, plus wrap up
What is this?
Consider this to be a spring cleaning of sorts. We'll explore your inner nooks and crannies together, dust off your dreams/desires, and refresh your existence.
Come redecorate your life with us. Infuse something special into the everyday, mundane type of existence you've long been wanting to change.
Spring clean yourself with honesty and integrity for 30 days, together in community, with encouragement, compassion, support, and accountability. Get the ball rolling in embracing the necessary action. Let’s go.
You’ll also get FREE ACCESS to Jeremy’s Get Shit Done 101 program, a 10-day self-study online course covering badass tips and tricks scientifically shown to help you start the right rituals, stick to your goals, and radically change your life. This course normally sells for $99, but it’s yours for free. You can learn more about it here.
High five!